See how much lifetime income you can spend in retirement from a TontineIRA™ (live rates for a 65YO Male)

Safely spend {{george-USA}}% per year and rising without ever running out
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Upgrade your retirement in 5 minutes or less
Rollover your old IRA / 401(k) to a Lifetime Income TontineIRA™ & get ready to Live Long & Prosper®
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Focus on rising spending not on rising prices
Register to see how much lifetime income you can expect and how far it can rise over the course of your retirement.
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Safely double your retirement spending compared to a regular IRA
Spending down your life savings can cause you sleepless nights. A lifetime income TontineIRA™ enables you to safely spend far more
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Your health is your wealth in a TontineIRA™
Retirement shouldn't be about stock picking in your old age. Just take care of yourself and your TontineIRA™ will take care of the rest.
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Set your kids up for life with a Tontine Trustfund
Set the investment policy and the age that their income starts. That's it.
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The problem we solve
Retirement can be stressful if you don't have a secure pension.
This is because a standard 401(k)/IRA can run out of money if you live 'too long'.
The reality of modern retirement is that:
- none of us know when we will meet our maker, and
- none of us want to spend our whole retirement worrying about spending our savings.
A 'tontine' is a 400 year old pension that ensures an income for life which is expected to rise over time to offset inflation.

What is a Tontine?
A tontine is a simple lifetime income plan managed by fiduciaries where a saver can contribute money into a trust in return for a monthly income that lasts for life.
Invented in the 17th century as a replacement for annuities, tontines have historically proven up to 5 times more popular than the 2,000 year old annuity.

What's in it for me? How much income can I get?
Your income is calculated every month based upon current interest rates ({{returns-FII-USD}}%) plus a small percentage of your capital based upon average mortality at your age.
So if you have a 2% chance of dying this year then your payouts will include 2% of your capital. This also means that as you get older, you can expect your monthly income to increase.
You can see for yourself what income you can expect using our Tontinator.

Secure a lifetime income that lasts as long as you
So a TontineIRA™ is designed to provide a a steady monthly income for life but how can we be so sure that the income will never run out like in a regular IRA or 401k?
Well this is the natural simplicity of a Tontine Trust®.
Year by year, a predictable and rising percentage of the members of your tontine community will inevitably meet their maker leaving you to inherit a proportional share of the income that they no longer need.
As a result, the balance of your TontineIRA™ remains fairly steady over time even though you are drawing a generous income every month.

What does my TontineIRA™ invest in?
With all of the uncertainty around the world right now, we believe that it is best to launch our TontineIRA™ using low risk investments that guarantee the capital and which provide a reasonable rate of return.
For this reason, the only investment option available in the very first version of the TontineIRA™ will be FDIC insured CDs which are currently yielding ~{{returns-FII-USD}}%.
In the not too distant future, a broader range of investment options will be made available for members to choose from.

Tontines are a useful way to hedge against inflation
Inflation destroys the spending power of retirees that are on a fixed income. This ruins their ability to enjoy their retirement because they know that they will have less and less to spend as the years roll by.
This is where the Tontine effect comes in and perhaps explains why Tontines are historically five times more popular with consumers than fixed annuities.
In a Tontine, as the decades pass by, a greater percentage of the members of your assigned Tontine community will start passing away causing you to to inherit larger amounts every year as a kind of tribute from your fellow members for you having outlived them.
And because your payout rate is rising (see above) as well as your balance, you can expect your monthly income to start rising, particularly in later years.
Doesn't that sound like a better retirement to look forward to?

Give your children an inheritance now instead of a headache later
If a parent lives into their 90s then most likely the children will be in their 70s when they receive any inheritance. Worse still is that if the parent runs out of money though then under US filial responsibility laws their children may be liable to pay the parents care bills.
With a regular 401(k) or IRA plan, passing on some of your savings to the kids while they are still young increases the risk of the plan running out of money in old age.
Lifetime incomes though, whether from a TontineIRA or an annuity, reduce these risks by ensuring that there will always be some level of income to support your living costs no matter what age you live to.
As an added bonus, once you secure a suitable level of lifetime income, you may now be able to afford to help the kids buy a house or start a business while they are still young.

Flexibility & Control
While we encourage everyone to save as much as possible for retirement, sometimes life just gets in the way.
This is why we have designed the TontineIRA™ to be as flexible as possible meaning that you can invest as much or as little as you want at any time.
Want to change or stop your contributions for a while? No problem, just enter the new amount in the app or press the Pause button.
Want to delay or bring forward when your monthly income starts? Just set the new date in the app and press Save. It's that simple.

Managed by Fiduciaries acting in your best interest
Your TontineIRA™ is managed by trustees acting in a fiduciary capacity which means that they are legally and ethically bound to act in your best interest.
This contrasts with other lifetime income solutions such as pure insurance products and securities which are typically sold by commission agents on a buyer-beware basis.
Such practices in respect of retirement savers are rightly coming under increasing scrutiny from the US Department of Labour.

Our unbeaten low fees preserve more income for you
We want to profit with our members not from them which is why we charge a flat low annual fee of 1% which includes all filing fees & charges.
This is also why we don't work with commission based agents which have become accustomed to receiving 3-8% of their client's retirement savings as a sales commission.
We are of course delighted to work with fee only advisors and fiduciaries.

Secured by a 'password' you'll never lose
In an era where everyone is increasingly worried about 'elder fraud', online security is becoming increasingly complex even for technically sophisticated users.
This is why we have developed a patented system which replaces hard-to-remember passwords with advanced facial recognition technology.
Now, whenever you need to take a sensitive action on your account such as approving a payout or changing your bank details, you can login to our app using your face so that we can be sure that it is you, and only you, that is controlling your account.
What the world says about us

Jonathan Chevreau
Financial Journalist
Tontines are easier to administer, cleaner and less capital-intensive and can be expected to generate rising payment streams over time, at least for those who live long enough to benefit from the superior mortality credits they provide. In a classical tontine, payments are initially quite low – at best comparable to the risk-free rate on bonds... But as retirees die, tontines become more attractive for those who survive. The last few survivors may receive 10 times more than they put into the scheme.

Raoul Pal
Founder & CEO
Real Vision TV
"Tontines, they solve so many problems for retirees. These guys are bringing them back. Super interesting!"

Olivia S. Mitchell
Pensions Research Council @ Wharton
A tontine is an investment pool managed in an actuarially fair way, according to a plan for distributing fully-funded payouts to investors. There are two key differences between a tontine and an ordinary investment. First, tontine investments are generally irrevocable. Second, account balances are not transferred to a member’s beneficiaries upon death. Instead, remaining assets are equitably apportioned among the pool’s surviving participants. Accordingly, monies forfeited by those who die increase the returns to those who survive.
These extra returns are referred to as “mortality credits.” In this way, tontines allow members to collect lifetime income by collectively self-pooling longevity risk among themselves. This obviates the need for (and cost of) an insurer as guarantor. Tontines are not insurance, though they can deliver lifetime income similar to payout annuities and pensions. Tontines simply cut out the middleman.

Jason Sen
Derivatives Trader / Startup Founder
Intelligent AI Solutions
At 55, my biggest concern is the potential burden on my kids if I'm unable to work and an unexpected illness strikes. The Tontine-based pension product deals with this issue with a steady stream of funds for life to ensure the bills are always getting paid.

Gary S. Mettler
Financial Advisor & Author
The Annuity Maestro
First rate! I'm so excited about your effort I can barely stand it!

Jason Maggard
This is brilliant. I'm 50 and was in retirement planning a number of years back. All retirees with any amount of money FEAR outliving their money. So they rarely enjoy spending in retirement without guilt. So they scrimp and die someday with 10%-80% of their money left over. How great to know each year you last in retirement your standard of living goes up! Spend Enjoy More Is Coming Next Month. Brilliant!