© 2025 Tontine Trust Europe KB ('Tontine Trustees'). All rights reserved.
Tontine Trustees is a regulated trust company in Europe (Sweden) providing trust management services.
We can manage a wide range of assets held in trust for clients (individuals or legal entities) resident anywhere in the world except where restricted by local laws.
The following investments are examples of assets that can be held in a client’s trust for which Tontine Trustees is the custodian and asset manager:
a) Cash Deposits (No Currency Restrictions), b) ETFs, Target Date Funds, Mutual Funds & Hedge Funds, c) Commodities including Precious Metals
d) Stocks and other types of Securities, e) Bonds & Debentures, f) Leading Cryptocurrencies.
Our focus since 2017 is the establishment and administration of irrevocable lifetime income trusts which operate on the tontine principle (‘Tontine Trusts’).
We create and manage Tontine Trusts formed under the trust laws and standards of world class trust jurisdictions such as Cayman Islands, Jersey, UAE, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Our patented financial technology enables savers to establish a secure lifetime income Tontine Trust within minutes.
US residents can participate in a Tontine Trust® via a qualified account such as a 401k or an IRA ( ‘ TontineIRA™ ’).
Tontine Trust Advisors LLC, incorporated in Florida, may act as a trust advisor and/or trust protector to the TontineIRA™s in compliance with the obligations and duties set out
in the Uniform Trust Code (UTC) and the Uniform Directed Trust Act (UDTA) as adopted in the applicable state.
Tontine Trust Advisors LLC is not a US bank or a US chartered trust company and does not provide banking & fiduciary services other than certain administrative services in a ministerial capacity including as the Trust Advisor and/or Trust Protector to the Tontine IRA™s.
No information on this website or the platforms provided by Tontine Trustees or Tontine Trust Advisors should be taken as constituting individual advice to you. The information is informational and of general guidance only.
The choices you make or do not make around the investment of your retirement account are your own responsibility. Tontine Trustees cannot be held responsible for any financial loss arising from your retirement choices or lack of them unless in relation to any fiduciary services which may be provided by us in respect of the administration of your Tontine Trusts.
The amounts and duration of the lifetime income from the Tontine Trusts (including the Tontine IRA™) shown on this website or related marketing material are indicative only. By design, neither the amounts nor the duration of retirement income payments from a tontine plan are fixed or guaranteed.
Based upon many years of research and development, the Tontine Trust® platform displays reasonable estimates of what level of income you can expect to receive over the course of your lifetime. These estimates, and the algorit
hms used to generate them, are constantly reviewed to adjust for effects upon expected incomes caused by factors including but not limited to changes in interest rates, investment returns, life expectancy and/or the actual mortality experience of members in the same tontine class.
Where you instruct us to invest your Tontine IRA™ in FDIC insured certificates of deposit, it is those CDs that are FDIC insured rather than the TontineIRA™ itself. Tontine Trust Advisors LLC works with established IRA custodians/trustees and 401k recordkeepers to make the TontineIRA™ available to US consumers. If your current 401k/IRA provider does not offer the TontineIRA™, please contact us.
Tontine Trustees will enable you to select from a range of underlying investments and portfolios which we consider reasonable for lifetime income retirement accounts. You should consider carefully which assets and investments you want in your retirement account bearing in mind the investment risks including possible losses of the principal amount invested.
Where a Tontine Member passes away, regardless of the amount of distributions if any that they have received, their remaining balance will be redistributed among those surviving Members of the Tontine class with whom the deceased member was sharing their longevity risk and as such there will not be a balance available for inheritance by spouses, children other beneficiaries or creditors.
Where a Member wishes to provid
e for family members, the Member should consider establishing and funding a separate Tontine Trust Fund for each of those family members in the MyTontine app.